Professional Development Records

  • First Time Principals Program. Throughout 2016- workshops and meetings with FTP mentor principal.
  • LWDT Learning with Digital Technologies- Ministry of Education PLD. Terms 1-3 2016
  • Professional Learning Series- "Leading Others"; Centre for Educational Leadership and Administration, University of Otago. Terms 2-4 2015
  •  Nelson Cengage Learning – Explicitly Teaching Spelling PD presented by Stephen Graham; 29 July 2015.
  • TH201 Understanding Sacraments; The Catholic Institute of NZ (Level 3) 2015
  • TH203 Understanding Church; The Catholic Institute of NZ (Level 3) 2015
  • TH211 Catholic Social Teaching;  The Catholic Institute of NZ (Level 2) 2014
  • The Incredible Years Teacher Program, throughout 2014
  • It Takes A Whole Village to Educate a Child Professional Development Conference at St Kevins College; 28-29 September 2014
  • The Gathering’ Catholic Primary Schools Conference; Hosted by Bishop Colin Campbell. 21 March 2014
  • Gail Loane Writing Workshop; 12-14 August 2013
  • ALL (Accelerated Literacy Learning) with Jenny Harrex; Ministry of Education. Focus on accelerating achievement of target learners in reading. 15 week programme; ongoing throughout 2013-14
  • Teachers New to Catholic Schools Conference; November 2012 and April 2013 – Foundation Level Certificate
  • RE Twilight sessions; November 2012 ‘Using SOLO as a tool for success in RE’ and March 2013 ‘The Role of the Vatican Council in the history of Catholicism'
  • It Takes A Whole Village to Educate a Child conference at St Kevins; 30 September-1 October 2012


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